2013 Brussels
The speakers below have given their approval to publish their presentation, held during the congress. Please click on the title, to download the presentation in a pdf.
After WHO Global Consultation on Haemovigilance
Neelam Dhingra (WHO)
Iron depletion in blood donors Corrective & Preventive Actions
Karin Magnussen (Denmark)
Effectiveness of donor questionnaire to ensure donor safety
Philippe Renaudier (France)
The implementation of traceability and hemovigilance system in a University Hospital
Timothy Devos (Belgium)
Electronic “on-screen” questionnaire
Riin Kullaste (Estonia)
The IHN Database for the Surveillance of Adverse Reactions and Events in Donors and Recipients of Blood Components 2006-2011
Constantina Politis (Greece)
Alternatives to transfusion: caveats
Paul Strengers (The Netherlands)
International survey on practices to protect iron stores in donors
Véronique Deneys (Belgium)
Do we need rapid alert and early warning to increase safety in blood transfusion and donation?
Jean-Claude Faber (Luxembourg)
Donor Haemovigilance
Mindy Goldman (Canada)
Donor vigilance; Needle Injuries Characterization of 240 needle injuries in Blood Donors
Jens Halkjaer Kristensen (Denmark)
Importance of post-donation information
Micheline Lambermont (Belgium)
Biovigilance in the United States: Regulatory Perspective
Alan E. Williams (USA)
Prevention of anaemia in blood donors : iron or not iron
Véronique Deneys (Belgium)
Laboratory-related transfusion errors Information Technology is not the complete solution
Christine Gallagher (United Kingdom)
Update on Biovigilance in the US: Recipient Hemovigilance Organ/Tissue Vigilance Progress…Slow, But Steady
Matthew J. Kuehnert (USA)
Modern communication tools with donors
Riin Kullaste (Estonia)
FDA Considerations Regarding Frequent Plasma Collection Procedures
Alan E. Williams (USA)
Pooled versus apheresis platelets: comparison of donors and recipients’ HAZARD in France, 2009-2011
Gérard Daurat (France)
List of Essential Medicines: how do haemo- and pharmacovigilance cohabitate?
Paul Strengers (The Netherlands)
Definitions and tools for haemovigilance
Johanna Wiersum-Osselton (The Netherlands)
Blood recipients : another point of view
Christiane Gérard (Belgium)
From AFSSaPS to ANSM Coordination of vigilances
Philippe Renaudier (France)
The role of haemovigilance in monitoring transfusion transmissible infections and other adverse reactions in chronically transfused patients
Constantina Politis (Greece)
Difficulties in haemovigilance implementation in Burkina Faso
Sawadogo Salam (Burkina Faso)
Blood safety in Africa: realities and perspectives
Danièle Sondag-Thull (Belgium)
Delayed Donor Reactions
Peter Tomasulo (USA)
Thailand experience in implementing haemovigilance
Uwonbon Charoonruangrit (Thailand)
WHO’s Way Forward with Substances of Human Origin (part 1)
WHO’s Way Forward with Substances of Human Origin (part 2)
Neelam Dhingra (WHO)
The development and evaluation of the haemovigilance programme in Namibia (part 1)
The development and evaluation of the haemovigilance programme in Namibia (part 2)
Britta Lohrke (Namibia)
Haemochromatosis and blood donation (part 1)
Haemochromatosis and blood donation (part 2)
Philippe Vandekerckhove (Belgium)
Role and importance of QIs in QM and HV: from monitoring to improvement and saving(part 1)
Role and importance of QIs in QM and HV: from monitoring to improvement and saving(part 2)
Tomislav Vuk (Croatia)
Progress with transfusion safety in hospitals: a continuing journey (part 1)
Progress with transfusion safety in hospitals: a continuing journey (part 2)
Mike Murphy (United Kingdom)
Granulocyte Transfusion (GTX): a bigger picture (part 1)
Granulocyte Transfusion (GTX): a bigger picture (part 2)
Taco Kuijpers (The Netherlands)
Transfusion outcomes (part 1)
Transfusion outcomes (part 2)
Erica Wood (Australia)
Methylene blue-treated fresh frozen plasma and related adverse reactions in France: the longer the experience, the more robust the results
Ignacio Alvarez (France)